2019-07-01-Centenary Slide Show-Earlier < Photos > 2019-07-01-Centenary Slide Show-Other
Photos from the Centenary Slideshow - Later TTC shown at the book launch, afternoon tea, and centenary dinner
- - Barbara Marshall Photo Michael Bartlett
1960 Foden Wilkin 1960
1960 HIS-TTC-Bill Wheeler-Before The Possums Came-61
1960 ttc500_Brenda Neill, Mt Ruapehu, c 1960 Photo J L Anderson collection, TTC archives
1960 ttc643_Kime Hut Photo Kelly Yip collection
1960-02 HIS TararuaTC Ogilvie Anderson Hut
1960-09 ttc499 Brenda Neill and Robin Photo J L Anderson collection TTC archives
1960s Tony Gates, Peter Gates, skiing Mt Ruapehu circa mid 60s Photo John Gates Photo
1960s ttc546_Joe Gibbs in Tauwharenīkau, circa 1960 Photo Barry Durrant
1961 Foden Mt Murchison From A P Harper
1961-03 ttc543 Tararua Tramper New Clubrooms front cover
1961-04 Foden John Millen Betty Purdie Trench Dig
1962 Foden Upper Waimakariri
1964-01 Foden Waiohohonu Hut
1968 ttc512_Ray Jeffries, Mt Hector, Tararua Range Photo J L Anderson TTC collection
1968-12 HIS-Stuart Hudson-Copeland Pass
1969 CH 9 Cover of Tararua Footprints by Merv Rodgers
1969 ttc513 TTC 40th anniversary cake Photo J L Anderson collection, TTC archives
1970s HIS-Peter Radcliffe-clean green and in between 1970s
1971-05 ttc509_Maurice Perry at Tararua Lodge, Photo J L Anderson collection, TTC archives
1974 L0086 Kime Hut I
1974 L0093 Cow Creek
1974 ttc104 Field Hut 50th celebration
1975 L0219 Tony giving Trish a hair wash
1975 L0233 Trish stirring the pot, clothes drying
1975 L0243 Hell Fire beach bivvy
1975 L0246 Trish cooking dinner
1975s TTC142_Vosseler Hut mid to late 1970s Photo Geoff Spearpoint
1976 3. Skins off for the run home, Fox Glacier TTC ski trip, Westland NP Photo Ian Baine
1976 4. TTC members on Fox Glacier neve, Mt Douglas beyond Photo Ian Baine copy
1976 5. TTC skier Fox Glacier neve Photo Ian Baine
1976 TTC skiers near Marcel Col, Fox Glacier neve; Photo Ian Baine
1976 IMG_0008 River crossing
1976 L0064 Alpine Instruction
1976 L0192 June and Tong inspect a fish
1976 L0198 Alpine Instruction Tararua Lodge
1976-04-21 L0212 Mike at Cave entrance
1976-09-18 L0176 Tony, Trish, Chris, Robyn, John and Sary
1976-12 ttc521_TTC members at Waerenga Hut Photo J L Anderson TTC collection
1978 Christine and Peter Whiteford, Mt Aspiring climb, Xmas Day
1979 ttc413 Cutting the 60th Anniversary cake
1980 CH 8 Bruce Crowthers, Michael Taylor of Arne Otago Photo Hugh Barr
1980 ttc699
1984 Tony Druce, Douglas Range, Northwest Nelson
1984 Carol McDermott climbing 'Small Pocks', Whanganui Bay, Taupō
1984-04 ttc139 Tararua Hit work party Easter - April 1994
1985-01 CH 8 Michael Bartlett crossing Hendes Creek Photo Peter Jagger collection, TTC archives
1988 Treating patient in SARTEST IMG_0022 Sue Cuthbertson, Pete Smith, Jenny Mason
1990 Photo Peter Barnes Gorge trip
1991 C Kulu Expedition, Indian Himalaya Photo Peter Barnes
1991 SAR test IMG_0001
1991 Sartest IMG_0004
1991-01 Photo Peter Barnes-
1992 at Mid Waiohine hut circa 1992 Photo Peter Barnes
1994 Anniversary, John Mautner on right of fourth row from top, Photo courtesy of Jane Pyar Mautner
1994 Field Hut 70th Birthday IMG_0004
1994 Jungbu Sherpa andEPAL Photo Ray Sansom, X121
1994 Queen Charlotte Walkway IMG_0034
1994 Ron Stutter and Ray Sansom on the summit of Imja Tse NEPAL X118a
1994 Southern Crossing Kime Hut in background IMG_0045
1994 TTC 75th Anniversary IMG_0016 Egg and spoon race
1994 TTC members Bea Bagent and Bill Wakelin crossing a frozen river near the Imja Tse base camp NEPAL Photo Ron Stutter X122
1994 TTC members at Khunde Hospital, Everest region, 75th anniversary, NEPAL Photo Ron Stutter X48
1994 TTC members in cook tent NEPAL Photo Ron Stutter X29
1994 Tararua FP Gorge trip Photo Peter Barnes
1994 Totara Flats Hut, Tararua FP, Photo Peter Barnes
1994-05-23 TTC 75th Anniversary IMG_0013 picnic
1995 From Holly Hut to Puakai IMG_0009
1995 Sabine IMG_0031
1995 Tubing Tauwharenīkau IMG_0008
1996 4821996 Angelus Trip IMG_0035
1996 Cycling Long Gully IMG_0012
1996 IMG_0007 Wilkin Valley
1996 IMG_0008 Wilkin Valley
1996 IMG_0009 Wilkin Valley
1996 Moss Pass-14 IMG_0030
1996-02 Osado Otaki Forks IMG_0009 IMG_0016
1996- Jan Angelus IMG_0008 On top of Angelus
1997-03 Easter Bridge to Nowhere IMG_0017
1997-11 Sarex Eastern Hutt-05 60950034
1997-11-07 Sarex Eastern Hutt Fly Camp 60950036 - Dave Castle Sue Cuthbertson
1998 Douglas Range-001 61090031
1998 Douglas Range-056 61180006 Stephen Molineux, Nigel Smith, Stuart Smith, Anne Molineux -faces seen- with Dragon's Teeth behind Douglas Range-056 61180006
1998-02 Asado Wilf's place 61010003
1998-Feb Asado Wilf's place 61010001
1999 Camp at Mangatainoka Hot Springs, Napier 61370027
1999 HIS TTC Silva de Simas Midwinter solstice Waerenga
1999 Rangiwahia across the tops 61370007
1999 ttc238 80th Anniversary at clubrooms
1999 ttc240 Singing at 80th anniversary
1999 ttc404 Field Hut 75 years
1999-03 First Youth group tramp 61200002
1999-09 ttc510_Michael Taylor at TTC 80th anniversary celebrations Photo J L Anderson TTC collection
1999-09 ttc511_Nancy Stevenson at TTC 80th anniversary celebrations Photo J L Anderson TTC collection
2005-10 CH 10 Carol Kelly cooking Alan's trout Eyre Mountains Southland Photo Alan Knowles
2006 CH 10 TTC Michael Taylor, Annie Opie, Cherie Marshall, -, -, Hopkins Valley, Canterbury
2006-07-29 21.21.32 CH 10 TTC Snow 2 instruction at Tararua Lodge Photo Alistair Betts
2007-07-04 10.35.41 Ch 8 Michael Taylor aborting Contorta Photo TTC collection
2007-12-31 11.02.38 CH 10 TTC party on the Routeburn Photo Hugh Barr
2008-04-12 16.11.17 Ron Stutter in purple instructing Photo Alistair Betts
2009 ttc414 50 year members night
2009-01-01 10.48.41 Barron Saddle Hut at New Year - David Grainger
2009-12-08 Trampers performing skit, TTC clubrooms Photo ALAN KNOWLES AJK_2009-12-08_0318
2009-12-31 11.43.22 Pass Photo Paul Maxim
2010-01 CH 10 TTC Photo Alan Knowles
2010-03-24 ttc489_Instructors John Nankervis, Alistair Betts, Paul Maxim, plus various students, Mangaehuehu Glacier, TNP Photo Dave Grainger
2011-02 BBL-Lynne Pomare-Cloud Forest Neil Saddle
2011-09-14 12.06.32 TTC walk led by John Thomson from Porirua past Rangituhi/Colonial Knob to Kaukau Photo David Olgilvie TTC
2011-09-25 TTC ski women with cup at Tararua Lodge Photo ALAN KNOWLES AJK_0686
2011-11-27 Cone Hut, AJK_0988
2011-12-13 Julia Millen speaking about her book Photo Alan Knowles AJK_1227
2011-12-13 TTC Christmas party Photo ALAN KNOWLES AJK_1234
2011-12-13 TTC Christmas party Photo ALAN KNOWLES AJK_2011-12-13_1125
2011-12-13_1185_Christmas Clubnight_AJK
2012 Bushcraft Photo Kate Williamson TTC website
2012-02-20 11.10.54 Track to Crooked Spur Hut, Te Araroa Photo David Castle
2012-03-25 ttc491 AIC J Nankervis, Geoffroy Lamarche Nank's Rangataua bach Patrick Arnold, Piers Harris, Cherie Marshall, Marion Castle by D Grainger
2012-08-22 11.53.08 Wednesday walk, Rimutaka FP Photo David Olgilvie TTC
2012-09-16 Cicki Wogan goumet tramping at Waerenga Hut_3061
2012-12 CH 10 Cherie Marshall Photo Alistair Betts
2013-08-14 Bruce Poppelwell at Makara Beach litter clean-up
2013-08-14 Makara Beach litter clean-up
2013-08-14 TTC members with rubbish collected from Makara Beach, KNOWLES AJK_1010936
2013-10-15 18.28.37 Archivist Brenda Neill AJK 1011358
2013-12-18 11.03.37 TTC AJK_1010486
2014-05-30 06.53.31 2014-06 TTC members Final ridge of D'Archaic Photo Paul Maxim IMG_0058
2014-05-30 07.36.28 winter Photo Sean Buchanan
2015-11-03 50 and LMDSC_2975
2016 IVORY LAKE TTC TRIP Crossing Ivory Lake outlet Photo Peggy Munn
2016 IVORY Photo Peggy Munn
2016 TTC TRIP Negotiating boulders in Waitaha Photo Peggy Munn
2016 ttc548 IVORY LAKE TTC TRIP Crossing Ivory Lake outlet Photo Peggy Munn
2016 ttc549_IVORY LAKE TTC TRIP Descending into the Tuke Photo Peggy Munn
2016 ttc551_IVORY LAKE TTC TRIP Negotiating boulders in Waitaha Photo Peggy Munn
2016 ttc552 IVORY LAKE TTC TRIP Negotiating the ridgeline to Beaumont Photo Peggy Munn
2016-06-06 12.00.35 2016 Paul Maxim
2016-06-06 12.00.35 DSC00958 Paul Maxim and Stu Hutson - Lawrence valley
2016-08-15 19.57.52 ttc460_FSC0087 TTC President Peter Barber leading singsong at TTC AGM Photo Shaun Barnett
2016-08-15 21.16.04 ttc462_FSC0094 TTC President Peter Barber presenting Vivienne Radcliffe with Life Membership, TTC AGM Photo Shaun Barnett
2016-08-21 12.45.06 ttc452_Kime Hut
2016-08-30 10.31.34 ttc464_FSC0427 Chris Maclean interviewing TTC life member Tong Young, Wadestown, Wellington Photo Shaun Barnett
2016-12-09 08.26.18 Clubrooms DSC_7568 Alan Knowles fixing ice axes to wall
2016-12-14 11.33.15 Christmas Lunch, Kaitoke DSC_7600
2016-12-14 11.35.07 Christmas Lunch, Kaitoke DSC_7603 TTC
2016-12-14 12.24.27 Christmas Lunch, Kaitoke DSC_7614
2016-12-15 CH 10 Clubrooms renovation Photo Alan Knowles AJK_9994241
2017-10-04 valley, Tararuas Photo Alan Knowles TTC
2017-12-05 13.43.13 Marg3 South Saddle
2018-03-27 18.38.38 Packing tramper for mailing Photo BARRY DURRANT
2018-06-12 13.57.18 CH 10 Alan Knowles and Jude Willis beside the stained TTC Clubrooms, Moncreiff St
2018-10-16 19.37.57 LTW page 317 HSC_6268 Margaret Foden talk
2019-01-29 09.21.29 P 260 Chris Horne portrait Photo Alan Knowles
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