
Tararua Tramping Club

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Photos 2014-09-22-Fox Glacier

2014-08-31 Mt Arrowsmith < Photos > 2014-10-22 Mt Clarke Photos from Fox Glacier skitouring week

Three of us from the 2012 Tasman Glacier skitour re-assembled for a trip into Fox Glacier.

With gale souwesters initially, the trip started with a flight into Chancellor Hut and it took us the rest of the day to skin up (1000m vertical) to Pioneer Hut, carrying our packs with six days of food.

On arrival at the hut, a gust blew Dan's skis over an 80m cliff damaging them beyond repair. Dan got on the hut radio next day and a glacier helicopter company kindly provided a replacement pair of skis with the next incoming party!

Party members
Rob Hawes, Dave Grainger (photos), Daniel Rogerson.
Flying up to Chancellor Hut
Flying up to Chancellor Hut
En route to Pioneer Hut beside the Fox Glacier
En route to Pioneer Hut beside the Fox Glacier
Initial ski runs off West Hoe pass
Initial ski runs off West Hoe pass
Pioneer Hut
Pioneer Hut
Pioneer Hut and Mts Haast and Tasman
Pioneer Hut and Mts Haast and Tasman
Part of the Fox neve from Pioneer Hut
Part of the Fox neve from Pioneer Hut
Dan and Rob on day trip to Pioneer Pass
Dan and Rob on day trip to Pioneer Pass
Dan on day trip to Pioneer Pass
Dan on day trip to Pioneer Pass
Approaching Pioneer Pass with Mt Haast at right
Approaching Pioneer Pass with Mt Haast at right
View of Fox neve from Pioneer Pass
View of Fox neve from Pioneer Pass
Rob and Dan on the main divide at Pioneer Pass
Rob and Dan on the main divide at Pioneer Pass
Dan with Tasman valley below
Dan with Tasman valley below
Dan climbing a pitch on Grey Peak
Dan climbing a pitch on Grey Peak
Back at the hut
Back at the hut
Climbing to West Hoe pass on a day visit to Centennial hut
Climbing to West Hoe pass on a day visit to Centennial hut
Dan cramponing up to West Hoe pass
Dan cramponing up to West Hoe pass
West Hoe Pass views across the Davis snowfield and upper Franz Jozef glacier.
West Hoe Pass views across the Davis snowfield and upper Franz Jozef glacier.
west coast clag sets in and we have to navigate 5km back to Pioneer Hut by GPS
west coast clag sets in and we have to navigate 5km back to Pioneer Hut by GPS
Hut day - jenga
Hut day - jenga
Three Aussie climbers we shared the hut with
Three Aussie climbers we shared the hut with
Dave and Mt Tasman in the background
Dave and Mt Tasman in the background
Late afternoon birthday ski run!
Late afternoon birthday ski run!
Birthday sunset
Birthday sunset
Rob and Dan on the Fox Glacier
Rob and Dan on the Fox Glacier
Ancient ice henge seen near Pioneer Hut
Ancient ice henge seen near Pioneer Hut
Back at Fox Glacier township where it was about 20 degrees warmer!
Back at Fox Glacier township where it was about 20 degrees warmer!
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Creative Commons License These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
4.0 International License

Creative Commons License These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
4.0 International License

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:48

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