
Tararua Tramping Club

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Photos 2012-12-10-Mt Dixon

2012-12-01-Morison Bush < Photos > 2012-12-16-Alarm Photos from climbing Mt Dixon, Aoraki Mt Cook NP, December 2012

Stu Hutson and I flew in to Grand Plateau on December 8 2012 as a good weather window opened.

We intended to climb Mt Tasman but weren't ready for it. December 9 we attempted Mt Dixon but were turned back by the bergschrund which was bridged weakly by fresh snow. Went back for another try on December 10 and did it!

Pics by Dave Grainger.

December 9 we tried to start Mt Dixon but couldn't get across bergschrund which was bridged weakly by fresh snow.  Today, December 10, we were back, more determined, for a second attempt to cross the 'schrod.
Same time and place as day before but more determined to cross the bergschrund.
Mt Cook and the Silberhorn Ridge of Mt Tasman (right) at 6am.
Mt Cook and the Silberhorn Ridge of Mt Tasman at right, 6am.
Approaching the schrund to climb the main right-leading gully to Mt Dixon.  The only way we could do it was to take to a narrow icy strip on the toe of the rock buttress.  That pitch was threatened by the huge ice cliffs!
We took a mixed ice and rock line to cross the schrund. It was threatened by the huge ice cliffs above.
Stu and I simulclimbed 200m up the gully to join the main ridge to Mt Dixon where we had this fabulous view of Mt Haidinger and the Tasman Glacier.
Then Stu and I simulclimbed 200m up the gully to the main ridge and this fabulous view of Mt Haidinger and the Tasman Glacier.
Stu climbing the E ridge of Mt Dixon
Stu on the E ridge of Mt Dixon
View of the Grand Plateau from near the summit of Mt Dixon
View of the Grand Plateau from near the summit of Mt Dixon
Mt Tasman and Aoraki Mt Cook from Mt Dixon
Mt Tasman and Aoraki Mt Cook from Mt Dixon
Weather starts to deteriorate in the early afternoon
Weather starts to deteriorate in the early afternoon
Mt Haidinger and upper Tasman valley
Mt Haidinger and upper Tasman valley
Avoiding crevasses on the ridge descent
Avoiding crevasses on the ridge descent
Stu happy to be back on the Plateau at last as the rain sets in, 4pm
Stu happy to be back on the Plateau at last as the rain sets in, 4pm
ANZAC Peaks and East Ridge of Aoraki Mt Cook at 9pm
ANZAC Peaks and East Ridge of Aoraki Mt Cook at 9pm
ANZAC Peaks and East Ridge of Aoraki Mt Cook at 9pm
ANZAC Peaks and East Ridge of Aoraki Mt Cook at 9pm
December 11 and we bask in the sun while an inversion shrouds the valleys
December 11 and we bask in the sun while an inversion shrouds the valleys
Stu chilling out
Stu chilling out
Zurbriggen Ridge of Cook which saw four climbs and two ski descents the following day.
Zurbriggen Ridge of Cook which saw four climbs and two ski descents the following day.
Our rest day was a perfect weather day - contemplating what could have been..
Our rest day was a perfect weather day - contemplating what could have been?
heading out after a successful trip
Heading out after a successful trip
Sunrise in camp on the Kaikoura coastline as we made our way home to Wellington
Sunrise in camp on the Kaikoura coastline as we made our way home to Wellington

Creative Commons License These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
4.0 International License

Creative Commons License These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
4.0 International License

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:47

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