2008-Photo Competition Results < Photos > 2010-Photo Competition Results
Photographic competition and results
Once again, a big "thankyou" to all those who entered images in this year's competition. The standard was very high. Thanks also to Wellington Photographic Supplies(approve sites) who sponsored the event, supplying the winners with 12x18 prints of their winner images.
This event in the TTC Calendar of events just gets more and more popular. Last year we had about a hundred entries; this year it was more like a hundred and seventy, all told. That was really too many for one evening's viewing, even for the diehard fans amongst us.
Those who chose to come, and to stay for the whole hour and forty minutes of images - all of which were good, and many of which were very fine - would have learned a great deal. Geoff Marshall, our judge this year, did a fine job leading us through the show, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of many of the photos. He chose a Winner for each category, together with Highly Commended runners up. If you click on the thumbnails below, a larger image is brought up.
TTC Photo Competition
- Alpine: Mt Alarm - Daniel Rogerson
- Essence of the Tararuas: From Jumbo - Peter Smith
- Landscape: Tama Lakes - Carol Molineux
- Natural History: Seeding Dandelions - Trish Gardiner-Smith
- People: Rest stop on a historic walk - Peter Penhall
- Prints: A walk in the hills - Ken Mosley
Highly Commended Entries
- Got here - Robin Chesterfield
- Evening Ambience - Oliver Seiler
- Early morning Trinity col - Grant Timlin
- Barron Saddle Hut at New Year 2009 - David Grainger
Essence of the Tararuas
- Historic Cone Hut - Peter Penhall
- Retreat from Kime - Carol Molineux
- Approaching Alpha - Carol Molineux
- Sunrise Mt Cook - Carol Molineux
- Trinity col - Grant Timlin
- My next trip - Alistair Betts
- Tongariro in Winter - David Grainger
Natural History
- Evening Light Show - Alistair Betts
- A crushed abode - Daniel Rogerson
- Twisted Taranaki Trees - Daniel Rogerson
- Koru - Trish Gardiner-Smith
- Early Morning coffee, Lake Rotoiti, May 2009 - Nicola Custance
- I said concentrate - Alistair Betts
- Whitcombe Travel March 2009 - Barry Durrant
- Days End at a Country Market - Ken Mosley
Approaching Alpha - Carol Molineux
Barron Saddle Hut at New Year 2009 - David Grainger
Crushed Abode - Daniel Rogerson
Early Morning Coffee Lake Rotoiti May 2009 - Nicola Custance
Early Morning Trinity Col - Grant Timlin
Evening Ambience - Oliver Seiler
Evening Light Show - Alistair Betts
From Jumbo - Peter Smith
Historic Cone Hut - Peter Penhall
I said concentrate - Alistair Betts
Koru - Trish Gardiner-Smith
Mt Alarm - Daniel Rogerson
My Next Trip - Alistair Betts
Rest Stop on a historic walk - Peter Penhall
Retreat from Kime - Carol Molineux
Seeding Dandelions - Trish Gardiner-Smith
Sunrise Mt. Cook - Carol Molineux
Tama Lakes - Carol Molineux
Tongariro in Winter - David Grainger
Trinity col - Grant Timlin
Twisted Taranaki Trees - Daniel Rogerson