
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Photos 2008-09-20-Waerenga Hut Reopening

2008-06-14-Turoa-2-Whakapapa-and-back < Photos > 2008-10-02-Jennys Family Ski Week Photos from the Waerenga Hut reopening weekend

Meeting, greeting & eating; then the official ceremony

1125 Leaving Catchpool carpark- Margaret Foden. Brenda Neill. Syd Moore. Diane Head.jpg: 1024x768, 149k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Leaving the Catchpool carpark:
Margaret Foden, Brenda Neill, Syd Moore, Diane Head
1206 Pausing at halfway bridge- Brenda Neill. Margaret Foden. Hugh Barr. Jenny Lewis. John McIvor.jpg: 1024x768, 246k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Pausing at the halfway bridge:
Brenda Neill,Margaret Foden, Hugh Barr, Jenny Lewis, John McIvor
1247 Recent storm damage- Jenny Olsen. Vivienne Healey. John Foden. Alan Wright.jpg: 1024x760, 279k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Recent storm damage:
Jenny Olsen, Vivienne Healey, John Foden, Alan Wright
1259 Taxi service across Orongorongo River.jpg: 1024x768, 186k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
A "Taxi" service was provided across Ōrongorongo River
for those wishing to keep their feet dry.
1340 Barbecue lunch.jpg: 1024x827, 209k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Barbecue lunch:
Hugh Barr, Peter Blaxter
1341 Barbecue Lunch on the deck- Ian Baine.jpg: 1024x768, 170k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Ian Baine puts the new deck to good use as a table for lunch
1342 Lunch- Tong Young. John McIvor. Jenny Lewis. Diane Head. John Gates.jpg: 1024x1360, 360k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Tong Young, John McIvor, Jenny Lewis, Diane Head, John Gates
1343 Lunch- John Foden. Bob Offer. Colleen Davey. Terrence Wright. Tong Young. John Gates. Bill Gates.jpg: 1024x768, 179k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Lunch: John Foden, Bob Offer,
Colleen Davey, Terence Wright, Tong Young, John Gates, Bill Gates
1344 The lunch table- Barbara Marshall.jpg: 1024x768, 193k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
At the lunch table:
Barbara Marshall
1347 John McIvor. Janet King. John Gates. -. -. Judith Claridge.Ross Kerr. Bob Offer. Kath Offer. Bill Gates.jpg: 1024x768, 218k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
John McIvor, Janet King, John Gates, Desiree Turner-Peebles, Jim Peebles,
Judith Claridge, Kath Offer, Ross Kerr, Bob Offer, Bill Gates
1348 Photographers- Michael Bartlett. Chris Butt. Brena Neill.jpg: 1024x768, 225k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Photographers Michael Bartlett & Chris Butt prepare to shoot in revenge;
Brenda Neill may be caught in the crossfire
1349 John Foden. Michael Bartlett.jpg: 1024x807, 227k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Anne Marsden, Ian Baine, Chris Butt, Barbara Marshall,
Jane Boydon, John Foden, Paddy Gresham, Michael Bartlett
1350 -. Vivienne Radcliffe. -. John Gates. Eva Durrant.jpg: 1024x780, 216k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Wendy Holden, Vivienne Radcliffe, Allan Holden,
John Gates, Eva Durrant with Indy
1351 Sharing the joke- Brenda Neill. Tim Stone. Ian Baine. Barbara Marshall. -. Anne Marsden. Chris Butt. -.jpg: 1024x728, 169k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Brenda Neill, Tim Stone, and sharing a joke Ian Baine,
Barbara Marshall, Jane Packer, Anne Marsden, Chris Butt, Jane Boydon
1352 Peter Radcliffe. Paddy Gresham.jpg: 1024x768, 191k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Peter Radcliffe, Paddy Gresham
1353 Peggy Munn divides the cake waiting  Ian Baine pretends to read the attendance register.jpg: 1024x950, 155k (2014 Jul 21 06:35)
Peggy Munn divides the cake.
Waiting, Ian Baine pretends to read the attendance register
1354 Vivienne Radcliffe. John Gates. Vivienne Healey.jpg: 1024x1372, 241k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
Vivienne Radcliffe, John Gates,
Vivienne Healey
1506 Whats Chris got in his pocket.jpg: 1024x768, 154k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
What's Chris got in his pocket ?
1507 Its the master of ceremonys speech.jpg: 1024x768, 157k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
It's the master of ceremonys' speech
1510 The audience of over 80 listens attentively.jpg: 1024x544, 153k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
The audience of over 80 listens attentively
1511 Barry describes the project.jpg: 1024x768, 185k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
Barry describes the project
1515 Certificates of appreciation to Julia and Brian.jpg: 1024x768, 146k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
Julia and Brian receive certificates of appreciation
1522 Ian recalls Waerengas history.jpg: 1024x768, 150k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
Ian recalls Waerenga's history
1525 John cuts the ribbon.jpg: 1024x768, 133k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
John cuts the ribbon, which, like the balloons, is in the Club colours
1528 Barbara prepares to cut the cake.jpg: 1024x768, 146k (2014 Jul 21 06:36)
... and Barbara prepares to cut the cake

Please feel free to use the edit option to correct or add names of participants. These have been listed in left to right order and it is the description after the "|" that should be changed NOT the jpg name before it.

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Page last modified on 2023 Sep 19 10:45

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