Species index
Adiantum cunninghamii | huruhuru tapairu | common maidenhair | 2017-09 |
Agathis australis | Kauri | 2023-06 | |
Alectryon excelsus | Tītoki | 2011-06 | |
Aristotelia fruticosa | mountain wineberry | 2020-10 | |
Aristotelia serrata | makomako | wineberry | 2020-09 |
Asplenium bulbiferum | Manamana | Hen and chickens; Mother fern | 2015-12 |
Asplenium flabellifolium | Necklace fern; Walking fern; Butterfly fern | 2016-03 | |
Asplenium flaccidum | Makawe o Raukatauri | Hanging spleenwort | 2015-11 |
Asplenium oblongifolium | Huruhuru whenua | Shining spleenwort | 2015-10 |
Asplenium polyodon | Petako | Sickle spleenwort | 2016-02 |
Astelia fragrans | kakaha | bush lily | 2018-09 |
Astelia hastata | kahakaha | perching lily | 2018-10 |
Astelia solandri | kōwharawhara | perching astelia | 2018-08 |
Austroderia fulvida | toetoe | buff toetoe | 2019-03 |
Austroderia toetoe | toetoe | plumed tussock, feathery grass | 2019-02 |
Beilschmiedia tawa | Tawa | Tawa | 2019-06 |
Blechnum chambersii | Nini | Lance fern | 2016-10 |
Blechnum colensoi | Peretao | Colenso's hard fern | 2016-05 |
Blechnum discolor | Piupiu | Crown fern | 2016-04 |
Blechnum filiforme | Pānako | Thread fern; Climbing hard fern | 2016-07 |
Blechnum fluviatile | Ray water fern | 2016-08 | |
Blechnum novae-zelandiae | Kiokio | 2016-06 | |
Blechnum penna-marina | Little hard fern; alpine hard fern | 2016-11 | |
Blechnum vulcanicum | Korokio | Mountain hard fern | 2016-09 |
Brachyglottis repanda | Rangiora | Trampers' friend | 2012-11 |
Carex uncinata | Matau a Māui | Hooked sedge, hook grass, bastard grass | 2012-06 |
Carpodetus serratus | Putaputawētā | marble leaf | 2022-02 |
Clematis forsteri | Pikiarero, pōānanga, puataua, puawānaga | Forster’s clematis, small white clematis | 2024-03 |
Clematis paniculata | Puawānanga | white clematis | 2023-12 |
Coprosma areolata | Thin-leaved coprosma | 2021-07 | |
Coprosma foetidissima | Hūpiro, Hūpirau-ririki, naupiro | Stinkwood | 2021-06 |
Coprosma grandifolia | Kanono, manono, raurekau | large-leaved coprosma | 2021-04 |
Coprosma lucida | Karamū | shining karamū | 2021-02 |
Coprosma propinqua agg. | Mingimingi, mingi, miki | 2021-03 | |
Coprosma repens | taupata | mirror bush | 2020-11 |
Coprosma rhamnoides | mingimingi, mikimiki | Twiggy coprosma | 2021-05 |
Coprosma robusta | karamū | 2020-12 | |
Cordyline australis | Kōuka; Tī kōuka | Cabbage tree | 2013-11 |
Cordyline banksii | Tī ngahere | Forest cabbage tree | 2013-12 |
Cordyline indivisa | Tōī | Mountain cabbage tree | 2013-12 |
Corynocarpus laevigatus | Karaka | 2011-10 | |
Cyathea dealbata | Ponga | Silver fern | 2014-04 |
Cyathea medullaris | Mamaku | Black Tree Fern | 2011-07 |
Cyathea medullaris | Mamaku | Black tree fern | 2014-03 |
Cyathea smithii | Kātote | Soft tree fern | 2014-07 |
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides | White pine | 2015-03 | |
Dacrydium cupressinum | Rimu | Red pine | 2015-04 |
Dianella nigra | tūrutu | NZ blueberry, ink berry | 2018-07 |
Dicksonia fibrosa | Whekī-ponga | 2014-06 | |
Dicksonia squarrosa | Whekī | Rough tree fern | 2014-05 |
Discaria toumatou | Tūmatakuru | Matagouri; Wild Irishman | 2022-11 |
Dracophyllum filifolium | Inanga | turpentine shrub | 2022-04 |
Dysoxylum spectabile | Kohekohe | 2013-07 | |
Elaeocarpus dentatus | Hīnau | 2013-02 | |
Elaeocarpus hookerianus | pōkaka | 2020-08 | |
Entelea arborescens | Whau | New Zealand cork tree, New Zealand balsa wood | 2022-07 |
Freycinetia banksii | kiekie | kiekie | 2018-11 |
Fuchsia excorticata | Kōtukutuku | Tree fuchsia | 2011-04 |
Fuscospora cliffortioides | Tawhai rauriki | Mountain beech | 2014-12 |
Fuscospora fusca | Tawhai raunui | Red beech | 2014-09 |
Fuscospora solandri | Tawhai rauriki | Black beech | 2014-11 |
Fuscospora truncata | Tawhai raunui | Hard beech | 2014-10 |
Gahnia pauciflora | māpere | cutting sedge | 2018-05 |
Gahnia setifolia | māpere | cutty grass | 2018-06 |
Gaultheria antipoda | tāwiniwini* | Bush snowberry, fool's beech | 2022-06 |
Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium | Hangehange | 2013-04 | |
Griselinia littoralis | Kāpuka, Pāpāuma | broadleaf | 2022-08 |
Griselinia lucida | Puka | Broadleaf | 2011-12 |
Hedycarya arborea | Porokaiwhiri | Pigeonwood | 2013-05 |
Histiopteris incisa | mātātā | water fern, bat’s wing fern | 2024-10 |
Hoheria sexstylosa | Houhere | Lacebark species | 2013-10 |
Hymenophyllum demissum | irirangi, piripiri | drooping filmy fern | 2017-07 |
Hymenophyllum dilatatum | matua mauku | irirangi | 2017-08 |
Hymenophyllum nephrophyllum | Raurenga | Kidney fern | 2014-02 |
Knightia excelsa | Rewarewa | New Zealand honeysuckle | 2020-07 |
Kunzea robusta | Kānuka | 2013-03 | |
Lastreopsis glabella | Smooth shield fern | 2019-10 | |
Lastreopsis hispida | pongaweka, tuakura | hairy fern | 2019-09 |
Lastreopsis velutina | velvet fern | 2019-08 | |
Laurelia novae-zelandiae | pukatea | pukatea | 2019-07 |
Leptecophylla juniperina subsp. juniperina | mingimingi | prickly mingimingi | 2019-05 |
Leptopteris hymenophylloides | Heruheru | Crape fern, Crepe fern | 2017-05 |
Leptopteris superba | heruheru | Prince of Wales feathers, crape fern, double crepe ferns | 2017-06 |
Leptospermum scoparium | Mānuka | 2013-03 | |
Leucogenes grandiceps | NZ edelweiss | 2013-08 | |
Leucogenes leontopodium | NZ edelweiss | 2013-08 | |
Leucogenes neglecta | NZ edelweiss | 2013-08 | |
Leucogenes tarahaoa | NZ edelweiss | 2013-08 | |
Leucopogon fasciculatus | mingimingi | soft or tall mingimingi | 2019-04 |
Libertia ixioides | mīkoikoi, mānga-a-Huripapa, tūkāuki tūrutu | New Zealand iris | 2024-06 |
Libocedrus bidwillii | Pāhautea | 2015-08 | |
Libocedrus plumosa | Kawaka | NZ Cedar | 2015-08 |
Lophoyrtus bullata | Ramarama | 2022-03 | |
Lophozonia menziesii | Tawhai | Silver beech | 2014-08 |
Luzuriaga parviflora | nohi, pūwatawata | Lantern berry | 2024-07 |
Lycopodium volubile | Waewaekoukou | Climbing clubmoss | 2024-05 |
Melicope simplex | Poataniwha, tātaka | 2021-12 | |
Melicope ternata | Wharangi | 2021-11 | |
Melicytus ramiflorus | Māhoe | Whiteywood | 2011-05 |
Metrosideros diffusa | aka tea | White climbing rātā | 2024-02 |
Metrosideros fulgens | rātā, rātāpiki, aka, akakura, akatawhiwhi, amaru, kāhikahika, kahika, putatawhiwhi | Scarlet rātā | 2024-04 |
Metrosideros perforata | Akatea | Clinging rātā | 2012-02 |
Metrosideros robusta | Northern rātā | 2012-03 | |
Microsorum pustulatum subsp. pustulatum | Kōwaowao | Hound’s tongue | 2017-02 |
Microsorum scandens | Mokimoki | Fragrant fern | 2017-03 |
Muehlenbeckia astonii | pōhuehue | shrubby pōhuehue | 2018-04 |
Muehlenbeckia australis agg | pōhuehue, puka | large-leaved muehlenbeckia | 2018-02 |
Muehlenbeckia complexa agg | pōhuehue, pōhue | small-leaved pōhuehue, wire vine | 2018-03 |
Myoporum laetum | Ngaio | 2012-05 | |
Myrsine australis | māpou, māpau, matipou | red matipo | 2017-10 |
Myrsine salicina | Toro | Toro | 2017-11 |
Nestegis cunninghamii | Maire | Black Maire | 2022-12 |
Nestegis lanceolata | Maire | white maire | 2023-02 |
Olearia colensoi | Leatherwood | 2011-11 | |
Olearia lacunosa | lancewood tree daisy | 2020-03 | |
Olearia paniculata | Akiraho | Golden Akeake | 2020-04 |
Olearia rani var. colorata and Olearia rani var. rani | Heketara | 2023-03 | |
Olearia solandri | takupurenga | tree daisy | 2020-02 |
Ozothamnus leptophyllus | Tauhinu | Cottonwood | 2019-12 |
Paesia scaberula | mātā, mātātā | ring fern, hard fern, scented fern, pig fern, lace fern | 2024-09 |
Parsonsia heterophylla | Kaihua, Akakiore, Akakaikiore, Kaiwhiria, Kaikū | New Zealand jasmine | 2022-09 |
Passiflora tetrandra | Kōhia | NZ passion flower, NZ passion fruit | 2013-09 |
Passiflora tetrandra | Kōhia | NZ passion fruit, NZ passion flower | 2022-10 |
Pennantia corymbosa | Kaikōmako | 2012-04 | |
Phormium cookianum | Wharariki | Mountain flax | 2012-12 |
Phormium tenax | Harakeke | Flax | 2012-12 |
Phyllocladus alpinus agg | mountain toatoa | mountain celery pine | 2017-12 |
Phyllocladus trichomanoides | Tānekaha | Celery pine | 2015-09 |
Piper excelsum subsp. excelsum | Kawakawa | pepper tree | 2023-05 |
Pittosporum eugenioides | tarata | lemonwood | 2020-05 |
Pittosporum tenuifolium | kōhūhū | black matipo | 2020-06 |
Pneumatopteris pennigera | Pākau | Gully fern | 2016-12 |
Poa cita agg | wī | silver tussock | 2018-12 |
Podocarpaceae | Aotearoa's indigenous conifers | 2015-02 | |
Podocarpus totara | Tōtara | lowland tōtara | 2015-05 |
Prumnopitys ferruginea | Miro | Brown pine | 2015-07 |
Prumnopitys taxifolia | Mataī | Black pine | 2015-06 |
Pseudopanax arboreus | whauwhaupaku | Five-finger | 2021-08 |
Pseudopanax crassifolius | horoeka | Lancewood | 2021-09 |
Pseudowintera axillaris | Horopito | 2012-10 | |
Pseudowintera colorata | Horopito | 2012-10 | |
Pteridium esculentum | rārauhe | bracken, bracken fern | 2024-11 |
Pyrrosia eleagnifolia | Ota | Leather-leaf fern | 2017-04 |
Raukaua anomalus | whaupaku | 2021-10 | |
Rhopalostylis sapida | Nīkau | 2012-07 | |
Ripogonum scandens | Kareao | Supplejack | 2011-09 |
Rubus cissoides | Tātarāmoa | Bush lawyer | 2012-08 |
Schefflera digitata Patē | patatē | seven-finger | 2023-04 |
Solanum laciniatum | poroporo | bullibulli | 2019-11 |
Sophora microphylla | Kōwhai | 2023-07 | |
Streblus banksii | Ewekuri | Large-leaved milk tree | 2023-09 |
Streblus heterophyllus | tūrepo | Small-leaved milk tree | 2023-08 |
Syzygium maire | maire tawake, waiwaka | Swamp maire | 2023-10 |
Tecomanthe speciosa | 2013-06 | ||
Tetragonia implexicoma | Kōkihi | NZ native spinach | 2012-09 |
Tetragonia tetragonioides | Kōkihi | NZ native spinach | 2012-09 |
Typha orientalis | Raupō | bulrush | 2024-08 |
Urtica ferox | Ongaonga | Tree nettle | 2011-08 |
Veronica stricta var. stricta | Koromiko | 2023-11 | |
Weinmannia racemosa | Kāmahi, tawheo, tawhero, tawherowhero | 2022-05 |