Website review
The Website Review was initated as the result of a motion moved and passed at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
That the GC establish a group to review the club's website as a primary means of communication in terms of how well it meets its aims and objectives and recommend ways to improve it
Review team
A review team was set up consisting of
- Wayne Perkins -> mailto:wayne [period] perkins [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz - coordinator
- Owen Watson
- Lana Cleverly
- Phillip Lange
- Amie Claridge
Website Review Terms of Reference
A Terms of Reference was developed by the website review team based on initial suggestions from General Committee, and agreed to by both groups. The terms of reference are as as follows.
- The 2021 TTC Website review group will be independent of the General Committee (GC).
- General Committee requests Wayne Perkins to lead the review group, and decide its composition.
- General Committee will provide the TTC Website review group with the resources required to support its work. These will include an email address for members to make submissions and contact them, use of the Club’s Google Workspace, all background material, and offers of assistance.
- General Committee and the Webteam will be available to the TTC Website review group as required.
- The Review will focus on the club’s website and only on other electronic means of communication as necessary to complete the review of the website.
- The review will include content and form of the material on the website and the technical operation of the website.
- The Website review group will call submissions from club members on the website.
- The TTC Website review group will report on progress monthly to GC for its committee meeting either in person or in writing.
- The TTC Website review group will present draft outcomes of its work to Club night, on the website and via the Tramper.
- The TTC Website review group will provide a written draft of its report, including recommendations, to the GC by 31 March 2022.
- The TTC Website review group will make all submissions available to all club members along with its report.
Decision making
- The TTC Website review group’s report with recommendations will be discussed with GC, and then at a special general meeting with club members.
Reference information
Background information for reference was provided to the Website review group.
- Webteam Annual Reports for AGMs
- access the the website Google Analytics
- All Recent Changes
- 2017 TTC Member Survey report
- TTC club survey report webteam response August 2017
- TTC Website and ICT environment prepared for General Committee.
Final Report
During 2022 the Review Team briefed General Committee as to their progress, and changes to delivery dates were agreed. The complete report was delivered in August 2022.
Next Steps
The Website review report will be made available, and analysed by
- General Committee
- Club members
- The Webteam
Based on these analyses a response to, and action plan based on, the report will be developed and presented to the review team. Subsequently the response and action plan will be shared with members and implemented.