Role description: Secretary
Last updated: 1 January 2004
Current holder: Vicki Wogan -> mailto:ttc [period] secretary [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 218 3330
What the job achieves for the Club (results)
It manages the subscriptions monies of the club Activities involve:
- Processing subscription monies
- Writing out receipts
- Banking the subscriptions
- Writing out FMC card and send this with the Tramper
Suitable skills and experience for the job
- Carefulness, exactness and being thorough
- Experience
What the job involves (tasks)
- Collect, open, and respond to mail
- Write out a FMC card for each member
- Complete a master sheet provided by the role Secretary
- This records FMC Card number, receipt date and number any payments for Tararua Hut
- Get FMC cards, folded and in alphabetical order to person sending out Tramper
- Bank Cash
- Liaise with Treasurer re banking
- In September, ring all members who have not paid their subscriptions
Special timelines/dates
- See above for September and Tramper deadlines
- check postbox weekly
- see TTC Deskfile (restricted link)
Special equipment needed
- Compute to access TTC's Google Workspace
Legal requirements
- None
Authorities (financial and other)
(What the office holder has permission or authority to do without asking General Committee)
- None
Things that need approval from General Committee
- None
Coordinator liaison
- The Coordinator for this position would be the Treasurer and report, as needed, to the General Committee