Role description: Portfolio liaison on General Committee
What the job achieves for the Club (results)
- Representing the portfolio officer/convenor on General Committee.
- Liaising between the officer/convenor and General Committee so that each are kept informed. For example the office holder knows his/her budget and plan, General Committee gets regular reports, office holder is informed of any change of policy, any General Committee approvals are provided when needed.
- The office holder feels supported, valued and part of the wider administration of the club.
Suitable skills and experience for the job
- no specific skills or experience
- enjoy communicating with other club members using a mix of face-to-face, email, telephone
- some coordinating skills and a willingness to do tasks on time
- can clearly distinguish the boundary between the office holder's job and the coordinators job
What the job involves (tasks)
- delivering regular, brief and succinct reports from the office holder to G/C
- communicating General Committee policy to the office holder
- ensuring the office holder has a budget (if this is part of their job description)
- helping office holder to set their annual budget or finding someone who can assist in this area if this is needed
- ensuring that the office holder knows what authority they have and when authority for decisions is needed from G/C
- raising issues with General Committee when a policy change may be required
- making sure that the office holder has the resources (equipment, funding and members) needed to do the job
- convening at least one meeting per year for all office holders within one cluster to identify opportunities to link activities/information/resources within one cluster and across clusters
- advising the Secretary to add item to General Committee Agenda if office holder wishes to attend next G/C Committee Meeting
Special timelines/dates
- deadline for annual reports
- other depending on office holders job