TTC General Committee Operational policy
Status: Approved - 2018-12 December
Meeting arrangements
- general committee meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month except January
- three planning meetings are held annually, normally in February, June, November of no more than 3 hours, as required
- committee meeting to be at a fixed time, date, duration, and venue, announced one month in advance, except in special circumstances
- general committee meeting to finish before club night commences, i.e. 19:15 if held on a Tuesday
- meetings should start on time
- meetings should not run overtime
- reports to meetings to be created in TTC's GC shared drive
- e.g. by the Sunday night of the weekend prior to the Tuesday General Committee meeting
- reports to be taken as read before the meeting
- if the report writer wishes to discuss matters arising from the portfolio this should be a specific agenda item raised by the writer
- if committee members wish to discuss matters arising from the report this should be a specific agenda item raised by the member
Agenda organisation
- all meetings and workshops etc must have an agenda
- the Secretary creates the agenda for the next meeting immediately after the previous meeting based on the agenda template
- Committee members add their agenda items directly to the agenda at least 5 days prior to the meeting
- only items on the agenda to be discussed, unless there is time for "any other business" at the end
- agenda items to have a realistic duration, 10 minute minimum suggested
- each item to have a start time and duration, if item is not completed it is held over until the end of the meeting, e.g. general business time, or until the next meeting
- the Secretary shall prioritise agenda items, revise duration, as required in consultation with the President
Action items and deskfile
- The action items register will be the first agenda item of any GC meeting
- All open items will be updated every meeting
- TTC Management Manual and Deskfile to be consulted at each meeting for regular forthcoming activities and actions. Updates to be made as required
Meeting operations
Appropriate behaviours to ensure the meeting runs efficiently and makes the best use of the time available are:
- Being prepared for the meeting:
- Contributed agenda items
- Carried out action items
- Updated action items
- Contributed and updated portfolio reports
- Read portfolio reports
- Reviewed TTC Management Manual and Deskfile
- Staying on subject for agenda items