Please upload your GPS tracks here.
Please use the GPX format
We recommend prefixing the file name with a date in the format "yyyy-mm-dd place name"
To have the file list in the correct section include one of the following places in the filename:
wgtn, hutt, Tararua, Remutaka, si, rakiura, rekoho
Contact the Web team -> mailto:ttc [period] webteam [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website with suggestions of further places
Te Ika a Maui North Island
Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
file name | size (bytes) |
(no attached files) | |
Te Awakairangi
Te Wai Pounamu South Island
file name | size (bytes) |
(no attached files) | |
Rakiura Stewart Island
file name | size (bytes) |
(no attached files) | |
Rekohu Chatham Island
file name | size (bytes) |
(no attached files) | |
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