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- In The Hills Plants in the Hills monthly botany article
- Index Chronological Index to 'In the forest' and 'In the hills'
- Index Common name Index to 'In the forest' and 'In the hills'
- Index Photos Index to 'In the forest' and 'In the hills'
- Index Species Index to 'In the forest' and 'In the hills'
- In the forest 2011-04 Fuchsia excorticata
- In the forest 2011-05 Melicytus ramiflorus
- In the forest 2011-06 Alectryon excelsus
- In the forest 2011-07 Cyathea medullaris
- In the forest 2011-08 Urtica ferox
- In the forest 2011-09 Ripogonum scandens
- In the forest 2011-10 Corynocarpus laevigatus
- In the forest 2011-11 Olearia colensoi
- In the forest 2011-12 Griselinia lucida
- In the forest 2012-03 Metrosideros perforata
- In the forest 2012-03 Metrosideros robusta
- In the forest 2012-04 Pennantia corymbosa
- In the forest 2012-05 Myoporum laetum
- In the forest 2012-06 Carex uncinata
- In the forest 2012-07 Rhopalostylis sapida
- In the forest 2012-08 Rubus cissoides
- In the forest 2012-09 Tetragonia tetragonioides
- In the forest 2012-09 Tetragonia implexicoma
- In the forest 2012-10 Pseudowintera axillaris
- In the forest 2012-10 Pseudowintera colorata
- In the forest 2012-11 Brachyglottis repanda
- In the forest 2012-12 Phormium tenax
- In the forest 2012-12 Phormium cookianum
- In The Hills 2013-02 Elaeocarpus dentatus
- In The Hills 2013-03 Leptospermum scoparium
- In The Hills2013-03a Kunzea robusta
- In The Hills 2013-04 Geniostoma ligustrifolium var. ligustrifolium
- In The Hills 2013-05 Hedycarya arborea
- In The Hills 2013-06 Tecomanthe speciosa
- In The Hills 2013-07 Dysoxylum spectabile
- In The Hills 2013-08 Leucogenes leontopodium
- In The Hills2013-08a Leucogenes neglecta
- In The Hills2013-08b Leucogenes tarahaoa
- In The Hills2013-08c Leucogenes grandiceps
- In The Hills 2013-09 Passiflora tetrandra
- In The Hills 2013-10 Hoheria sexstylosa
- In The Hills 2013-11 Cordyline australis
- In The Hills 2013-12 Cordyline banksii
- In The Hills2013-12a Cordyline indivisa
- In The Hills 2014-02 Hymenophyllum nephrophyllum
- In The Hills 2014-03 Cyathea medullaris
- In The Hills 2014-04 Cyathea dealbata
- In The Hills 2014-05 Dicksonia squarrosa
- In The Hills 2014-06 Dicksonia fibrosa
- In The Hills 2014-07 Cyathea smithii
- In The Hills 2014-08 Lophozonia menziesii
- In The Hills 2014-09 Fuscospora fusca
- In The Hills 2014-10 Fuscospora truncata
- In The Hills 2014-11 Fuscospora solandri
- In The Hills 2014-12 Fuscospora cliffortioides
- In The Hills 2015-02 Podocarpaceae Aotearoa's indigenous conifers
- In The Hills 2015-03 Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
- In The Hills 2015-04 Dacrydium cupressinum
- In The Hills 2015-05 Podocarpus totara
- In The Hills 2015-06 Prumnopitys taxifolia
- In The Hills 2015-07 Prumnopitys ferruginea
- In The Hills 2015-08 Libocedrus plumosa
- In The Hills2015-08a Libocedrus bidwillii
- In The Hills 2015-09 Phyllocladus trichomanoides
- In The Hills 2015-10 Asplenium oblongifolium
- In The Hills 2015-11 Asplenium flaccidum
- In The Hills 2015-12 Asplenium bulbiferum
- In The Hills 2016-02 Asplenium polyodon
- In The Hills 2016-03 Asplenium flabellifolium
- In The Hills 2016-04 Blechnum discolor
- In The Hills 2016-05 Blechnum colensoi
- In The Hills 2016-06 Blechnum novae-zelandiae
- In The Hills 2016-08 Blechnum fluviatile
- In The Hills 2016-09 Blechnum vulcanicum
- In The Hills 2016-10 Blechnum chambersii
- In The Hills 2016-11 Blechnum penna-marina
- In The Hills 2016-12 Pneumatopteris pennigera
- In The Hills 2017-02 Microsorum pustulatum subsp. pustulatum
- In The Hills 2017-03 Microsorum scandens
- In The Hills 2017-04 Pyrrosia eleagnifolia
- In The Hills 2017-05 Leptopteris hymenophylloides
- In The Hills 2017-06 Leptopteris superba
- In The Hills 2017-07 Hymenophyllum demissum
- In The Hills 2017-08 Hymenophyllum dilatatum
- In The Hills 2017-09 Adiantum cunninghamii
- In The Hills 2017-10 Myrsine australis
- In The Hills 2017-11 Myrsine salicina
- In The Hills 2017-12 Phyllocladus alpinus agg
- In The Hills 2018-02 Muehlenbeckia australis agg
- In The Hills 2018-03 Muehlenbeckia complexa agg
- In The Hills 2018-04 Muehlenbeckia astonii
- In The Hills 2018-05 Gahnia pauciflora
- In The Hills 2018-06 Gahnia setifolia
- In The Hills 2018-07 Dianella nigra
- In The Hills 2018-08 Astelia solandri
- In The Hills 2018-09 Astelia fragrans
- In The Hills 2018-10 Astelia hastata
- In The Hills 2018-11 Freycinetia banksii
- In The Hills 2018-12 Poa cita agg
- In The Hills 2019-02 Austroderia toetoe
- In The Hills 2019-03 Austroderia fulvida
- In The Hills 2019-04 Leucopogon fasciculatus
- In The Hills 2019-05 Leptecophylla juniperina subsp. juniperina
- In The Hills 2019-06 Beilschmiedia tawa
- In The Hills 2019-07 Laurelia novae-zelandiae
- In The Hills 2019-08 Lastreopsis velutina
- In The Hills 2019-09 Lastreopsis hispida
- In The Hills 2019-10 Lastreopsis glabella
- In The Hills 2019-11 poroporo; Solanum laciniatum
- In The Hills 2019-12 Ozothamnus leptophyllus
- In The Hills 2020-02 Olearia solandri
- In The Hills 2020-03 Olearia lacunosa
- In The Hills 2020-04 Olearia paniculata
- In The Hills 2020-05 Pittosporum eugenioides
- In The Hills 2020-06 Pittosporum tenuifolium
- In The Hills 2020-07 Knightia excelsa
- In The Hills 2020-08 Elaeocarpus hookerianus
- In The Hills 2020-09 Aristotelia serrata
- In The Hills 2020-10 Aristotelia fruticosa
- In The Hills 2020-11 Coprosma repens
- In The Hills 2020-12 Coprosma robusta
- In The Hills 2021-02 Coprosma lucida
- In The Hills 2021-03 Coprosma propinqua agg.
- In The Hills 2021-04 Coprosma grandifolia
- In The Hills 2021-05 Coprosma rhamnoides
- In The Hills 2021-06 Coprosma foetidissima
- In The Hills 2021-07 Coprosma areolata
- In The Hills 2021-08 Pseudopanax arboreus
- In The Hills 2021-09 Pseudopanax crassifolius
- In The Hills 2021-10 Raukaua anomalus
- In The Hills 2021-11 Melicope ternata
- In The Hills 2021-12 Melicope simplex
- In The Hills 2022-02 Carpodetus serratus
- In The Hills 2022-03 Lophoyrtus bullata
- In The Hills 2022-04 Dracophyllum filifolium
- In The Hills 2022-05 Weinmannia racemosa
- In The Hills 2022-06 Gaultheria antipoda
- In The Hills 2022-07 Whau Entelea arborescens
- In The Hills 2022-08 Griselinia littoralis
- In The Hills 2022-09 Kaihua, Akakiore, Akakaikiore, Kaiwhiria, Kaikū; Parsonsia heterophylla
- In The Hills 2022-10 Kōhia; Passiflora tetrandra
- In The Hills 2022-11 Tūmatakuru; Discaria toumatou
- In The Hills 2022-12 Maire; Nestegis cunninghamii
- In The Hills 2023-02 Maire; Nestegis lanceolata
- In The Hills 2023-03 Heketara; Olearia rani var. colorata and Olearia rani var. rani
- In The Hills 2023-04 patatē; Schefflera digitata Patē
- In The Hills 2023-05 Kawakawa; Piper excelsum subsp. excelsum
- In The Hills 2023-06 Kauri; Agathis australis
- In The Hills 2023-07 Kōwhai; Sophora microphylla
- In The Hills 2023-08 tūrepo; Streblus heterophyllus
- In The Hills 2023-09 Ewekuri; Streblus banksii
- In The Hills 2023-10 maire tawake, waiwaka; Syzygium maire
- In The Hills 2023-11 Koromiko; Veronica stricta var. stricta
- In The Hills 2023-12 Puawānanga; Clematis paniculata
- In The Hills 2024-02 aka tea; Metrosideros diffusa
- In The Hills 2024-03 Pikiarero, pōānanga, puataua, puawānaga; Clematis forsteri
- In The Hills 2024-04 rātā, rātāpiki, aka, akakura, akatawhiwhi,
amaru, kāhikahika, kahika, putatawhiwhi; Metrosideros fulgens
- In The Hills 2024-05 Waewaekoukou; Lycopodium volubile
- In The Hills 2024-06 mīkoikoi, mānga-a-Huripapa, tūkāuki tūrutu; Libertia ixioides
- In The Hills 2024-07 nohi, pūwatawata; Luzuriaga parviflora
- In The Hills 2024-08 Raupō; Typha orientalis
- In The Hills 2024-09 mātā, mātātā; Paesia scaberula
- In The Hills 2024-10 mātātā; Histiopteris incisa
- In The Hills 2024-11 rārauhe; Pteridium esculentum
- The complete 'In The Hills' The complete "In The Hills" series for printing
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