
Tararua Tramping Club

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Bushcraft Pre-course Planning

Lectures < Bushcraft >

This page is part of the Bushcraft organisation information.

Pre course planning - the Bushcraft Convenor's role

Set dates for following year’s course in late October or early November.

  • book the clubrooms for lectures. (Booking officer Alistair Beckett -> mailto:ttc [period] clubrooms [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 845 8524, or Alan Knowles on 027 459 3999)
  • update the promotional bushcraft page on website (see how to and FAQ)
  • create new online registration form using Google Docs (tip: copy last year's online enrolment form)
  • if necessary update contacts:
    • convenor: Leonore Hoke -> mailto:ttc [period] bushcraft [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website
    • enrolment: Leonore Hoke -> mailto:ttc [period] bushcraft [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website
  1. Send an email to all previous instructors, including those that didn’t participate in current year, (refer to the master instructors’ list) to attend a planning meeting in early November.
    • agenda for the meeting is to sign up instructors for each lecture and practical weekend.
    • include trainee instructors for each lecture and practical session
  2. Follow up with phone calls/emails to instructors that didn’t attend the meeting.
    • organise a grid of instructors assigned to each lecture/practical session.
    • assign a leader for each lecture and practical session. They are in charge of that session – all planning; information; delegation; contacting the other instructors.
    • email out, with a final date, for people to make a final commitment or any changes.
  3. Check the inventory of maps; brochures; Bushcraft manuals. Order in more maps etc to have 40 of each.
    • maps from Bivouac(approve sites) or Map World(approve sites). (Bivouac did a better deal on maps in 2013).
    • brochures and Bushcraft manual available from Mountain Safety Council(approve sites). (Stu Hutson able to organise maps from Bivouac and Alan Wright able to pick up brochures etc from MSC)
  4. Do a budget. Previously estimated 25 attendees. (Refer to previous budget for ideas and costings)
  5. Update the website for Bushcraft information, dates, and cost.
  6. Advise publicity officer Vacancy -> mailto:ttc [period] publicity [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 021 0249 3085 of updated info so that they can organise posters to put up around town early in January
  7. Send out links to info on website to leaders:
  • also specific info for each part of the course, relevant to what they are taking.
  • update, as needed
  • Bush 1  Lecturer, leader, and location bushcraft information
  • Bush 2  Leader, lecturer, and location bushcraft information
  • Bush 2 Student Sheet  Student bushcraft information sheet
  • Bush 3  Lecturer, leader, and location bushcraft information
  • Lectures  Bushcraft checklists, handouts, and instructions
  1. Update the resources on the website
  2. Respond to any email enquiries about the course.
    • confirm enrolments.
    • send list of people enrolled to treasurer Carol Kelly -> mailto:ttc [period] treasurer [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 04 972 5895 so that she can check if they have paid.
    • if they haven’t paid, follow up.
    • they need to pay, before the course begins.

Page last modified on 2023 Oct 14 02:55

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